Welcome to Stay on Track Vet Physio & Hydro Centre:
Client testimonials from:
Pickles - Pug
Hugo - Airedale Terrier
Jura - Bearded Collie
Max - Spaniel
Gertie - Broder Terrier
Abductor/adductor of hind limb exercise
Advice on why you should avoid walking your dog on gritted roads
Achilles Tendonitis of left hind. Gait assessment before and after Vet Physio Treatment
Diego's recovery post IVDD included hydrotherapy, exercise programme, Class 4 laser treatment
Gait assessment in Osteoarthritic male before Electrotherapy treatment
Osteoarthritic male after 6 weeks of Electrotherapy treatment
Fibrocartilaginous Embolism (FCE) in C6/7 section of the spine rehabilitation with physiotherapy
2-year-old Male diagnosed with Hydrated Nucleus Pulposus Extrusion (HNPE) in his spine (T11/12) two weeks after intensive vet physio treatment
"O&J Therapeutic ladder" exercises for canine
"O&J Therapeutic ladder" designed to improve balance, posture, and proprioceptive awareness together with rebuilding and maintaining muscle and bone strength in developing young dogs or dogs with osteoarthritis.
Use of paw anti-drag device to improve paw placement - neurological case study
Vet Physiotherapy exercise designed to improve paw placement and rear hind end muscle strength.
Follow up on Memo, 2 weeks after using paw anti-dragging device on RH limb - neurological case study
2 years old male before and after implementing physio exercise programme targeting lameness and muscle wastage 10 weeks post patella luxation surgery. 4 weeks after exercising, Carlos showed a huge improvement and a full recovery.
Thank you to the owner for your hard work and determination!
Companion Animal Health Class 4 Laser treatment Laser treatment helps to reduce pain and inflammation and accelerates healing. Laser treatment can be beneficial for multiple conditions including arthritis, orthopaedic conditions such as elbow/hip dysplasia, muscle strains, ligament, tendon sprains/injuries, spinal conditions and post-surgery to speed up recovery.
Class 4 laser treatment to help with pain reduction, inflammation and to increase the blood flow to the affected area in a cat affected by osteoarthritis
Diagnosis: Suspected degenerative intervertebral disc disease - multiple sites of intervertebral disc disease (slipped and bulging discs) in the back (T5-6, T9-10, L2-L3 and L7-S1)
Luna - 4 weeks post-spine surgery rehabilitation.